Oak 5

Click here and complete sections 1 to 8 of the 

 Excel basics section of the tutorial



To be able to use formula in a spreadsheet 

I know a formula begins with equals sign ( = )

I am able to use the functions
sum, average,max and min

Play the animation from point  S on the

formula carries out a calculation using numbers that have been typed into a spreadsheet.

Type of CalculationSpreadsheet Operator (Symbol)

Formulas can become very long if you want to include a lot of numbers in the calculation. They often take a long time to type and it is easy to make mistakes in them.

Functions can be used in some formulas to make them simpler. For example, you can use =SUM to add up lots cells quickly

You can Type Different Functions into Cell B51 to Calculate other Answers:

=MIN(B2:B50)This will find the smallest score in the range of cells B2 to B50.
=MAX(B2:B50)This will find the largest score in the range of cells B2 to B50.
=AVERAGE(B2:B50)This will find the average score in the range of cells B2 to B20.

Add formula to calculate the total number of items sold
as well as the  max, min  and average

   Share today's work with your test buddy say;
   What went well
   and get them to say how it could be;
   Even better if


How to format text and choose appropriate
images to go with text.

I can change font size.
I can change font style.
I can change font colour.
I can select clip art images.
I can resize/rotate images.

Choose one of the   Activities

Design a poster to promote your chosen event
include relevant information such as 

  • Date
  • Time
  • Location
  • Cost

Find and include suitable images

 The poster must be clear and suitable for the target audience. 

Show a range of formatting techniques in your documents
While you are trying to make your poster
look as good as possible, you should try to
include a wide range of techniques including:

  • §  Change font styles and sizes
  • §  Change font colours
  • §  Change alignments (e.g. centre)
  • §  Use WordArt
  • §  Move elements to good positions

   Share today's work with your test buddy say;
   What went well
   and get them to say how it could be;
   Even better if


How to format text and choose appropriate
images to go with text.

I can change font size.
I can change font style.
I can change font colour.
I can select clip art images.
I can resize/rotate images.

Your help is needed to design a poster for the ICT rooms,
to encourage people to work safely.

 Use the Publisher to make a poster about working safely on the computer.       
Here are the things you need on your poster:
¨     two pictures - to remind people that they should
not eat or drink in the computer room                                            

¨     a short piece of text. Use the text below.

Please do not eat or drink in the computer room. Spilt food and drink can damage the computers. Thank you.

Use a different font size.                                                            

 Find your pictures using Clip Art.                                              

Save your poster - ask for help to do this.
a. Your poster needs a title. Choose one of the titles below for your poster.                                                                                                                
·        Don’t do it!!
·        Computers hate food & drink!
·        Computers + food + drink = Sick computers!

 Put the title onto your poster. Use a different font and size.
Check that the title is easy to read.                                                        

 Make the poster look good. You could use Word
Art or colour, different fonts or borders.
Make sure that the images and text in your poster look correct.
For example, size, colour, topic.                        


The basic controls of a car

Research the cost of: (record costs in a Word doc)

A provisional driving licence 
The theory test
The practical test
Driving lessons, on average how many lessons
would be needed to pass?

Use auto trader to find the cost of a suitable 'First car'

How much is insurance likely to cost?


The basic constructs of a program
Sequence (One instruction after another)
Selection (making a choice)
Reparation (loops)

I can create a linear sequence of instructions
I can use loops to repeat instructions
I can use a decision to choose alternative actions

 Click this link for the template for the game


The basic constructs of a program
Sequence (One instruction after another)
Selection (making a choice)
Reparation (loops)

I can create a linear sequence of instructions
I can use loops to repeat instructions
I can use a decision to choose alternative actions

   Share today's work with your test buddy say;
   What went well
   and get them to say how it could be;
   Even better if


To practice the skills need for the
functional skills exam

Make safe my work area
Open email
Reply to email
Make poster ( correct mistakes, and image , heading)

Use the AIMS email system to open the email
Japan party. Follow the Instructions and complete
The invitation for the Japan party.
Email me your completed flyer

Show a range of formatting techniques in your document
While you are trying to make your documents look as good as possible, you should try to include a wide range of techniques including:

  • §  Change font styles and sizes
  • §  Change font colours
  • §  Change alignments (e.g. centre)
  • §  Use WordArt
  • §  Move elements to good positions

Extension task research about Phishing
send me an email telling me how to stay
safe from Phishing

   Share today's work with your test buddy say;
   What went well
   and get them to say how it could be;
   Even better if


To practice the skills need for the
functional skills exam

Make safe my work area
Open email
Reply to email
Make poster ( correct mistakes, and image , heading)

Use the AIMS email system to open the email
Paintball. Follow the Instructions and complete
The Flyer for the Paintball event.
Email me your completed flyer

Show a range of formatting techniques in your document
While you are trying to make your documents look as good as possible, you should try to include a wide range of techniques including:

  • §  Change font styles and sizes
  • §  Change font colours
  • §  Change alignments (e.g. centre)
  • §  Use WordArt
  • §  Move elements to good positions

   Share today's work with your test buddy say;
   What went well
   and get them to say how it could be;
   Even better if



To practice the skills need for the
functional skills exam

Make safe my work area
Open email
Reply to email
Make poster ( correct mistakes, and image , heading)

Use the AIMS email system to open the email
Monster. Follow the Instructions and complete
The Flyer for the Monster truck show.
Email me your completed flyer

Show a range of formatting techniques in your document
While you are trying to make your documents look as good as possible, you should try to include a wide range of techniques including:

  • §  Change font styles and sizes
  • §  Change font colours
  • §  Change alignments (e.g. centre)
  • §  Use WordArt
  • §  Move elements to good positions

   Share today's work with your test buddy say;
   What went well
   and get them to say how it could be;
   Even better if


 Efficient internet search skills

Effective techniques for use in a presentation

Carry out an in-depth study of Guy Fawkes
Produce a report / presentation of your findings
using a 
variety of visual and written information
and covers
What is the traditional food of Bonfire Night?

What was Guy Fawkes's role in the Gunpowder Plot?

Fawkes gave a false name when he was caught 

How did Fawkes die?

Who played Guy Fawkes in the 2004 TV drama, Gunpowder, Treason & Plot?

What religion was Fawkes born into?

Where were fireworks invented?

In the UK, it was illegal NOT to celebrate Bonfire Night up until... 

What happened to the cellar under Parliament that Fawkes tried to blow up?

What speed can fireworks reach?

What was the original name for Bonfire Night?

   Share today's work with your test buddy say;
   What went well
   and get them to say how it could be;
   Even better if

Use the internet to research information
about a particular topic

  • I can discuss travelling abroad
  • I know why I need a passport
  • I know what the chip in the passport is for
  • I can research a holiday in France

Research and create a PowerPoint 

Title slide French trip visiting Paris,containing the
French flag and image of The Eiffel Tower

A slide containing the french for good morning

and good evening, hint Google translate may help.

with an appropriate image.

A slide containing an image of the famous art gallery,

with the glass pyramid, and it's name.

What is the name of the most famous picture. 

Include an image of this lady

A picture of a British Passport, and why you

need a passport

Click here to try the quiz Paris or London

Show your powerpoint to your test buddy
Tell them what went well .
Get them to tell you how your presentation
could have been e
ven better if  .......


To follow and understand recommended safe practices 
health and safety and passwords

What are passwords and what are they for?

Research on the internet the most popular passwords

Check the strength of passwords using this website

Make a poster to help students create strong passwords

Research the definition of ergonomics?

Make a poster to help students use laptops ergonomically

Show your posters to your test buddies and get their feedback

What new vocabulary (words)  have you learned today


To Create a simple animation using Pivot stick software


Stop motion is an animation technique that's been around for over 100 years, so you're probably familiar with at least a few stop motion films. But do you know how it's done? Here are the basics

Watch the tutorial

Find the pivot stick software. All programs > Pivot Animator and begin to explore the features of the program e.g.  colour , move , size , next frame

Create a simple animation , you can try to reproduce the animation shown in the tutorial
if you can not think of your own animation.

Remember to save your work in your area

Link to Culture street animator

Show your animation to your test buddy , get them to give you two stars and a wish. That is
two things they like about your animation and one way they think it could be improved.

What new vocabulary (words) have you learned in today's activity?


To understand the need for mobile phone etiquette.

  • I know when not to use my mobile phone.
  • I know to ask permission before taking somebody's picture

 95% of people have dropped their phones on their face while texting in bed
Luckily it only happens when nobody is there.

Has this ever happened to you?

Watch the video clip and in each scene think is this a
polite way to use a mobile phone or am I being
disrespectful to the people around me?

Discuss with a buddy your answers

Create a PowerPoint presentation on good mobile phone etiquette
for a teenage audience

Your presentation  should contain a title slide "Mobile phone etiquette and safety".

At least three slides but no more than seven slides.

Each slide should contain one tip as text and an appropriate image
for example

Recycle your old phone if you can  

Quiz: Can you keep Dodge safe online?

Show you buddy your presentation and get them to give you 
two stars and a wish.
do the same for you buddy's presentation


To understand the differences between
Desktop , Laptop and Tablet computers

Watch the video and fill in the table on the handout

Try this quick quiz to test you understanding 

Can you explain which type of computer would
be best for you and why ?
